Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Inner Sanctum

            I was worried. I was worried that my mojo had disappeared which is why I haven’t written anything in a while. So I was hoping that my trip to Nicaragua would get me out of this funk. That is until about 3 days before my trip, I came up with a poem, which I now consider to be in my top 3. With this poem however I’ve come to realize that I’m a little insane. And I’ve also come to realize that even though my heart is always in my writing, my brain has taken over and the shit that crazy bastard can create is astonishing. I mean not only is it bizarre but it makes you feel inspired in some weird fucked up way. I guess what I’m saying is that not only do I want to release a book of stories but also a book of poems, spoken word at that. I want everyone to virtually and imaginatively swim in my mental pool of wisdom and who knows maybe the weird fucked up imagery I’m known for will cause you to book a permanent stay in my inner sanctum… 

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