Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Carry Traits of a Traumatized Soldier

            Men turn women into bitches. Assholes aren't born they are made. It’s a vicious circle when it comes to relationships. You can only push a person so far until they eventually start pushing back. So that timid soft spoken guy that you knew had a thing for you. You decided to mess around with him and get his mind full of ideas, only to completely obliterate his dreams ultimately causing him to wallow in self-pity and then seek his revenge. There’s just something about this whole Love business that will eventually make you want to fuck with people’s emotions. So that same guy that you knew is no longer alive. Some ruthless motherfucker has taken his place, which is why whenever you randomly decide to contact him he acts like a total dickhead. Now this dickhead will attract a certain female who will fall in love with him in no time. But just how you fucked him over, he will eventually fuck her over. And now you don’t know what to do. I mean you loved him right? But he threw all of that away so there’s only one thing to do, let’s fuck up some new guys’ life. BAM, just like that the Bitch/Asshole circle grows that much wider. And I’m pretty sure this motherfucker is growing on a daily basis. So just be careful with how you treat members of the opposite sex cause sooner or later you’ll be sucked into the circle… 

I'm Surprised I Ain't Going Bald

                   It’s been six months since I've had a job. Within those six months I've applied to about thirty-five jobs. I've written three tragic short stories with a fourth coming up, all based on certain real life events, I got together with a great girl only to separate a month later, and I've grown out an “ I don’t give a fuck anymore” beard. So I guess you could say I've been pretty productive. Out of those thirty-five jobs, I know for a fact that twenty were hiring, out of those twenty I've called exactly fifteen for follow-up calls and out of those fifteen, I haven’t received a motherfucking thing. Out of my three short stories, two tie into one another and the topic has to deal with a broken heart and the latest story is a fictitious take on the day my dad died. So even though I've been busy these past six months, I have also been under a fuck load of stress. Basically to the point that I can easily talk to someone, they say some random ass remark and then I’ll argue with them for a great couple of minutes. Someone once said that stress is “the confusion created when one’s mind overrides the body’s basic desire to choke the living day lights out of some motherfucker, who desperately deserves it.” And society often wonders why people tend to go crazy. There’s some food for thought for your ass...

That Shit Don't Add Up

              As the story goes and mankind has wondered the answers to millions of questions. This question shall be no different. Why do girls tend to stay with guys when they have done them wrong? Well the fucked up answer to this is the majority of the time, it has to do with sex. No matter how fucked up the deed that was done, if the sex was spectacular then the relationship continues. I’ve had two different girls tell me the same thing. Both boyfriends cheated, lied, and were just all around dickheads yet they could handle the vagina properly and all shit was forgiven. Now it may just be me but a little bit of fucking shouldn’t overlap the fact that this motherfucker either cheated or physically hurt her. Then again, it could possibly be because the guy has an attitude problem and if the girl were to act up or defend herself then he would just treat her even worse.
            Even then that’s when you fucking tell somebody about the shit that he’s doing. Pretty sure it’s little shit like this that makes my theory about people that much more reasonable. Everyone is stupid until they prove me wrong. And even though a select few have proven me wrong, there have been many more that have proven my theory right…