Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Madness in my Head

             Maybe it’s due to my dad’s anniversary being in a manner of days, 2 to be exact. But it seems to be a common theme that whenever this shithole of a time comes up each year I tend to think about death a lot. Each time it’s a different question or wonder about death. This year it’s mainly the statement that I seriously hope that Heaven is just how I picture it. Everybody believes in an afterlife, I mean you just have to. There’s no way we die and then just lay underground until we’re feasted on by maggots. Heaven in my eyes is an intriguing concept. I predict that once you die, you rise up to the clouds and be told to just sit and relax and basically let your family mourn and grieve over you. After a couple of days of sitting and reflecting on what lays in wake at the pearly gates; You’re taken to the gates where family members wait for you as if you’re coming home from a vacation. Once the hugs and kisses and reminiscing is done, they show you what’s what and then take you to have a one on one with big man upstairs.
            Now sure by this point you could put a giant hole in my story by telling me that thousands of people die a day and he can’t possibly see all of them. So to that I say if he really did create everything than I’m pretty sure he can clone himself or at least hologram each interaction with the new residents. After he talks to you, he takes you to a theater room where you are able to watch certain parts of your life. Almost like a compilation of the best and worst moments there’s also a blooper reel where you would be able to watch all of the funniest shit that happened in your life. After you’re welcomed in, you just live out your afterlife as if it’s just a giant dream and you don’t know if you’ll ever wake up. I also hope you get to have an occasional vacation back to earth so that way you get to check up on things. So yes, that is my outlook on Heaven and the afterlife. Just some food for thought I guess… 

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