Monday, February 18, 2013

The Stud vs. The Slut

There have been multiple discussions and arguments over the double standards of men and women. The main one being, if a guy has sex with multiple girls he’s a stud, a player. But if a girl has sex with multiple guys, she’s a slut. Now why is this so? Wouldn’t a guy technically be a slut or man-whore if he slept with multiple women? Now although I heard this from a comedian, once you really think about it, it makes a whole lot of sense. The reason men aren’t considered whores when it comes down to multiple partners is because men, normal men anyways have to actually put work into it. And when I say normal men, I mean your regular everyday guys, so no movie stars or musicians. For instance, let’s say a 6 guy talks to a 9 girl, he has to put in actual effort to try and just get her phone number. A girl on the other hand is the key holder to the entire project. She can just go sit at a bar and wait for any guy to present himself, he can sweet talk her all he wants but in the end she’s the one who decides. The girl is the one with all the power. She’s the one that determines if you get the phone number, if you get a 2nd date, if you get to skip 3rd base and go all the way home.
            So ladies please realize that guys don’t give a damn about what you look like, most guys’ goal is one simple thing. Sure there are those rare occasions where a guy really is interested in everything about you. Majority of the time, he’s basically looking for that crazy story he can tell his boys the next day. So if you’re a 2, they will make you out to look like a 15. I guess that’s why the whole stud/slut debate happened. Guys have to work at it the entire time while girls just have to say yes no matter what the situation is at hand. The stud is the dude putting in the time and effort and is getting a yes, left and right while the slut can get any guy by just simply saying yes. I’m not trying to sound sexist or anything in that sense; it’s mainly just some food for thought. Youtuber Skyy John once said, “A lock that can be opened by any key is a shitty lock but a key that can open any lock is a fucking master key…” 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Rest of Life to Go

             As I woke up today and got ready to go to church, I noticed just how fast time passes us by. 4 years have gone since my dad passed away and even though last year I decided to no longer mourn his death but celebrate his life, I will always still have the slight saddening feeling. But I know that he’s up there watching over my brother and my mom and the rest of the family. Laughing at all of the crazy crap we do. And I know you’re watching me as I type this up so I just want to say that I love you, not a day goes by that you’re not in my prayers and I hope that I’m somehow making you proud. R.i.p. Viejito I’ll Always Love You 6/16/67- 2/7/09…  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Madness in my Head

             Maybe it’s due to my dad’s anniversary being in a manner of days, 2 to be exact. But it seems to be a common theme that whenever this shithole of a time comes up each year I tend to think about death a lot. Each time it’s a different question or wonder about death. This year it’s mainly the statement that I seriously hope that Heaven is just how I picture it. Everybody believes in an afterlife, I mean you just have to. There’s no way we die and then just lay underground until we’re feasted on by maggots. Heaven in my eyes is an intriguing concept. I predict that once you die, you rise up to the clouds and be told to just sit and relax and basically let your family mourn and grieve over you. After a couple of days of sitting and reflecting on what lays in wake at the pearly gates; You’re taken to the gates where family members wait for you as if you’re coming home from a vacation. Once the hugs and kisses and reminiscing is done, they show you what’s what and then take you to have a one on one with big man upstairs.
            Now sure by this point you could put a giant hole in my story by telling me that thousands of people die a day and he can’t possibly see all of them. So to that I say if he really did create everything than I’m pretty sure he can clone himself or at least hologram each interaction with the new residents. After he talks to you, he takes you to a theater room where you are able to watch certain parts of your life. Almost like a compilation of the best and worst moments there’s also a blooper reel where you would be able to watch all of the funniest shit that happened in your life. After you’re welcomed in, you just live out your afterlife as if it’s just a giant dream and you don’t know if you’ll ever wake up. I also hope you get to have an occasional vacation back to earth so that way you get to check up on things. So yes, that is my outlook on Heaven and the afterlife. Just some food for thought I guess… 

Dead or Alive

This is my first attempt at doing a reverso poem. 

I am Dead
I have died
Yet who am I to say what dying really is. Who am I as a single being of flesh, blood, bones, veins and skin to say what any one thing is.
I’m only 21 and yet I've experienced some shit in my life. My father died, buckets of tears that I cried, my pen and my soul show my pride while I write about the deceiving bitches that lied.
I have a new beauty who can easily fix one frown, she knows my dark past when my world was upside down, I can handle the bullshit and my words provide sound, I am no king but I’ll take the crown.
What is life for a misguided soul, a lonely peasant? It’s the same thing I’ve learned, welcome to your only lesson. People will always talk shit no matter what you do in life, that’s just how the world turns.
They think a few smirks and remarks will upset the person who is above them and will shrink them so much that they decrease down to their level. Let them talk, in the end you’re the one with all the success.
So you may call me unworthy, but don’t worry, it’s just a bunch of words that can’t hurt me. 
Striving for success is the main focus of this mission, just call me the link that others thought went missing.
I will go all out for my family, my friends, and my fans. My story will be epic even if my kids are the only ones I tell it to in the end.
I see the light and the train of life is making a one way trip. I’ll see everybody on the other side, so we can all celebrate together once I finish it.
I am living
I am Alive… 

I am Alive
I am living
I see the light and the train of life is making a one way trip. I’ll see everybody on the other side, so we can all celebrate together once I finish it.
I will go all out for my family, my friends, and my fans. My story will be epic even if my kids are the only ones I tell it to in the end.
Striving for success is the main focus of this mission, just call me the link that others thought went missing.
So you may call me unworthy, but don’t worry, it’s just a bunch of words that can’t hurt me.
They think a few smirks and remarks will upset the person who is above them and will shrink them so much that they decrease down to their level. Let them talk, in the end you’re the one with all the success.
What is life for a misguided soul, a lonely peasant? It’s the same thing I’ve learned, welcome to your only lesson. People will always talk shit no matter what you do in life, that’s just how the world turns.
I have a new beauty who can easily fix one frown, she knows my dark past when my world was upside down, I can handle the bullshit and my words provide sound, I am no king but I’ll take the crown.
I’m only 21 and yet I've experienced some shit in my life. My father died, buckets of tears that I cried, my pen and my soul show my pride while I write about the deceiving bitches that lied.
Yet who am I to say what dying really is. Who am I as a single being of flesh, blood, bones, veins and skin to say what any one thing is.
I have died
I am Dead…