Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What Am I Doing Here?

 At least once in our lifetime, we've all asked the question "What am I doing here?" What is my purpose in life? What is my main goal for the future? What is the meaning of my existence? And I've come to that part of my life where I too, have been asking myself these questions. Now sure, certain people read this and think, "oh he's suffering from suicidal thoughts." That is not the case here, it's just that obstacle through life  I guess. My main question is, what will my future hold for me? I tend to have these really vivid visions of me sitting by a beach in a very beautiful house, basically living the high life. Then again, I've also had dreams that I have witnessed my death over and over again, where it has come to the point that I can see myself in my own coffin. The thing that scares me the most and this is going to sound weird, is that I'll end up dying way before this book is ever finished. Like, my demise will ultimately lead to the demise of all of this hard work and dedication and my ultimate goal of having this book become some form of a guideline for young adults be just a speck of dust.  So I guess I should prepare myself for anything that the roller coaster of Life will throw at me, for the meantime however I still have quite a bit of things to learn besides your only young once...

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