Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Day

I wrote this back on my dad's 3 year anniversary.

 It's been 3 years since we last saw each other and sure I can be sad about it but I've decided that being sad wouldn't make you happy. So what I've decided to start doing from now until the day we finally get to see each other again is to not mourn your death but celebrate your life. I want to thank you for being such a wonderful teacher, an incredible friend, a hard worker, and one of the greatest people to have ever been in my life. Because of you, I am able to hold my head up proudly whenever I get a compliment like "You look just like him..." I Love You Pop, I miss you everyday, and Thank You for everything. I end with my favorite quote, "Perhaps they are not stars but rather openings into Heaven where the love of our lost ones shines down upon us to let us know they are happy." (June 16, 1967- February 7, 2009)

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