Monday, August 1, 2011

Can We Please Have a Moment of Silence

Charlie Chan wrote, "Death is the only appointment we must keep, and for which no time is set." For the past couple of days, I have actually been thinking about death. Whether it's my own or my dad's, it's been twirling in my head like a gnat at a picnic. Death is the one thing I absolutely fear. I may hate doing a chore or hate crickets but nothing scares me more than dying. It just doesn't make sense that one minute, I'll be here and the next I won't. Death to me, has to feel like when your in a deep sleep and in a heavy dream but it's really peaceful and your dreaming about all of your dead relatives and you can't seem to figure out if it's really happening or if it's all a dream. My biggest fear other than dying however, is dying at a young age. Not living my life to its fullest potential. Not having the satisfaction of seeing my grandchildren or hell even the son/daughter I hope to have. It's odd though, in our most desperate times, we can't help but wonder. If I were to die today, would anybody miss me? So you can't help but imagine yourself, looking down towards the ground pretending that people are actually caring that you died. So as I conclude, I can't help but ask if you had the choice of either knowing how you were going to die or knowing the exact date you were going to die which would you choose? No matter how disturbing the result, you can't help but feel that you'll finally be able to live your life even if your trip to the pearly gates is in a matter of hours...

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