Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Other Me

I just got through watching a trailer for a movie titled "Another Earth." It's basically about this other earth that just randomly appeared in the sky and it shares everything with our Earth, including the people. So the trailer actually makes you think. If there were a parallel universe or if there were a second Earth, what would the other you be like? Would they share the same mistakes that you've made? Would they be better or worse than the you of this Earth? Would they have your same flaws and weaknesses? Or would they be the exact opposite of you completely? Would the disasters that happen on this Earth not occur in the other one? If someone died that was close to you, does that mean that they would still be alive on the other Earth? I guess one would never be able to find out. It seems to me that the "other Earth" would be just like a butterfly effect. In the sense that, if something happened to Earth one, it would be pointless to try and prevent it on Earth two because no matter how hard you try one way or another, it's going to happen. So as I sit here scratching my head at the possibilities at another Earth, I leave you with one final question. If there were another Earth, would you want to meet yourself?...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Here's my Prescription

I saw the girl that's been roaming around in my head today. As I drove her home and she was telling me about how her life has been, she told me that she has recently been in many down moods. It's hard when you have feelings towards somebody and you see them like this and all you want to do is hold them and never let go until they're alright. But all I could do was stare at her and share some wisdom with her, that's it. Sure at the end she gave me a hug but maybe its just me. But when I receive a hug from her I always expect something else to happen, some sort of spark or magic. You know the final notch on the belt, so that things can finally be how they are supposed to be. Like Tinkerbell in the beginning of every Disney movie coming out and waving her magic wand type of ordeal. The weird thing is though, is that I have no idea what I'm feeling, of course I can't get her out of my mind but in the meantime I have to handle my own personal business. So my mind is basically having a juggling contest between these two thoughts. Whatever the case is between me and her, there's only one real question that I have to ask myself; Is she worth the wait? And the answer is: yes, because it's not just one thing about her that has me dumbfounded, it's everything. Her beauty, her wit, her emotion, it's all poetry. I mean it's no wonder I wrote a blog about her a while back. So as I conclude my Worthwhile trilogy, I start to think about what her feelings are towards me. And I don't really care, I'm in her life for a reason, and no matter what the outcome is of this waiting game, I love my place right where it is...

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Doctor can't Diagnose what I Have.

Have you ever liked someone just to have them like you back and you find out that they were playing you the whole damn time? In the 19 years I've been living, I have had 2 separate encounters of this category. One of them was a couple of years back. This female and I began to talk just as friends at first. We went on a couple of "dates" I guess you could call them. A couple of months passed by and I fell deeper and deeper for her. All of my friends kept telling me, "Richard, don't do it man she doesn't really like you," etc etc. For some reason whenever I'm surrounded by affection and the embrace of someone, I tend to become blind and oblivious to what others tell me. So of course I didn't pay attention to my friends and by the end of my junior year of high school I came to realize that the entire time she was playing the hell out of me. The other girls story happened last year. We randomly began talking via Facebook and one thing led to another and we began texting. So I started catching feelings but I told myself I wouldn't let my guard down until she said something. So she finally tells me that she has feelings for me so I tell her the same thing and we began seeing each other before and after she had school. We talked and hung out for about a month and a half. Then one day, I text her and she doesn't reply which sort of confused me due to the fact that she always and I mean ALWAYS had her phone. But I brush it off, then at night I get a text from her saying hi. A couple of texts later the conversation dies. So the next day approaches and again she doesn't reply so I immediately assume something's up. So on the third day I decide not to do anything and BAM, we ended all forms of communication. No explanation, no excuse necessary. The really fucked up thing about this girl is that out of all of the awful and soul crushing shit that happened to me last year, she was the best thing. Really? Now you know it's been a bad year when the best thing to happen to you is a girl who teased the hell out of you for shits and giggles. 
      Now as I conclude Part 2 of if people are worth waiting for, I start to think about my old crushes. For some reason the majority of the girls I had a crush on, all either had a boyfriend or were just getting out of a really shitty relationship. So now I wonder, am I just going for the girls that are most vulnerable? Or do I believe that by me liking them, then maybe they can like me and see what it's like to have a real genuine guy in their life. Whatever the hell the answer is, I still can't help but wonder. Is this really worth it?...
Part 3 Coming Soon

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome to my Asylum

          A question for my readers, Whenever you tell someone that you like them/love them, do you think about them the 24 hours in a day? It's a weird feeling isn't it, you tend to think about that person non-stop. Wondering what they're doing, whether or not they're thinking about you and the majority of the time they're not. I guess unless that person tells you that they like you first, in reality they have no feelings towards you. It's a weird and unpredictable way of thinking about it but if you ponder the thought, it's true. Guys, you tell a girl you like them. What do they do? "Aw that's so sweet, listen I love spending time with you but I don't want to jeopardize anything." Girls, you tell a guy you like them. And they lead you on, while behind your back they're most likely banging your best friend, her best friend and her mom. So why do we as a society tend to put our hearts out there? Is it actually to show affection or is it that we as individuals tend to do desperate shit when we feel vulnerable and lonely? But sometimes, you actually do find someone. That person that you can't even look at them without feeling butterflies. And yet, maybe its fate or witchcraft but something always gets in the way of you two being together. So you always say, "Don't worry, I'll wait for you." But as days pass by your wondering if you should really wait for them, so you start asking your friends and/or your sibling for advice. And they tell you the deal, "If the person is legit, then they are worth the wait." So I ask you this, have you ever waited for someone? Was the wait really worth it?...
      Part 2 Coming Soon...