Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Judge A Tree From Its Fruit, Not From Its Leaves

Everywhere in the media, Religion is always a key factor to certain people. I say if you were born to believe in something and it’s helped you out so far then keep believing in that, no matter what other people say. Religion however interferes with Human Sexuality. I remember one time; this father and son team came to my house. They were Jehovah’s witnesses. The man asked me,” What are your opinions about gays and lesbians, in the bible it says that in the afterlife, they will not be allowed to be with God for he believes they disobeyed him.” So I just told him, “Look we can’t help who we fall in love with, who are we to say that it’s wrong for a man to love another man or a woman to love a woman. It’s not our business and if God doesn’t want them in heaven then maybe they should consider another God.” The look on this man’s face after I was done telling him this was priceless. He was so disturbed and frustrated by my smart ass answer that he just said thank you and he left. He knew that I was right, we don’t have the right to judge others by who they love and if Homosexuals weren’t part of Gods plans then maybe they should look for a new God. Marriage is also a big puzzle. You can't marry him/her because of their ethnicity or they're the wrong religion. Fuck all of that, if the person you are with cares about you, loves you, and would do anything for you then by all means spend the rest of your life with that person. I’m not knocking anyone’s religion or saying one is wrong and one is right, but when it comes to happiness, I believe happiness wins above everything else...

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