Monday, February 7, 2011

Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives

Two years have now gone by since my dad passed away. I wasn't expecting anything different today then the usual sadness. My agenda was as follows: went to church, bought some flowers, went home, put the flowers in water, then went to sleep for a couple of hours. As days turn into weeks and weeks into months, you start to realize that you take everything in life for granted. For instance, sometimes your parents irritate you, sometimes your hungry but your too picky to eat something. If you really think about it however, there are people far far worse off than you. Kids who grow up not knowing who their parents are, people who beg for just even a slice of bread. Certain holidays happen in this manner. Take Mother's day or Father's day, we just look at it as a day that we buy our parent a gift and tell them we love them. But when you get inside the fabric of the holiday's you start thinking. Those days were specifically built so that you would praise the people who made you, you. You praise your mom for every minute she spent trying to put you back to sleep when you had a nightmare. You praise your dad for always being able to make you laugh and work his ass off just so you could have toys and stuff to play with. Praise both your parents for the love they have given you, for some of it may be tough love but Damnit that does not mean they don't love you. What I'm saying is, don't take shit for granted. No matter how small it could be, the day it gets taken away from you, it'll break your soul. So cherish it, cherish every moment whether good or bad. It could always be worse...

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