Saturday, August 23, 2014

Tell the Reaper Come and Get Me

I have written about drugs, sex, and violence.
I have been in and out of love.
I have helped deceive and have been deceived.
I have had horrible thoughts swimming inside of my mind.
I will throw you under the bus and hold your head underwater kick you while you’re down and proceed to bury your body.
I have had the feeling of my soul being empty
I helped one person cheat on their significant other, on their anniversary.
I was rude to certain people at certain times.
I judged certain people at certain times.
I swear like a sailor.
I am dedicated and determined.
I am not overly cocky.
I will often get drunk specifically to write.
I used to see women as objects for no specific reason. Now I love them for their minds, their intriguing way of thinking, and their personalities.
I used to care about what people thought about me, now I could give two shits about their opinion towards me because I know who I am and what I stand for and I know my strengths and barely know my weaknesses.
My heart is worth triple the amount that my physical appearance is worth.
I speak with a sober mind but spill out intoxicated words.
I speak the truth and rarely find it any other way.
I’d rather have you hate me for being honest than to go about the day lying to you.
Judge me on my past, my writing, or my character if you must, I know that my heart is made out of gold because of my mistakes. They have made me who I am… 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dear Mama

Being away from home is a real strange feeling. Not waking up in my own room, not being able to see my best friend Odie, feels just odd. Not being close to the family, close to my mom it’s so weird. I’m luckily close to my brother but considering he’ll be working most of the time, I’ll only get to see him once in a while. But I know that I’m here for a reason. I’m here to continue my educational life and succeed, all the while making the family proud. So even though it’ll bring me down from time to time, even though a sudden rush of homesickness will hit at random intervals, I am here for not only myself, not only the family, but I am here for her. The lady that has provided so much love and support and knowledge. The lady that held me when I hurt or cried that shared multiple laughs and that yelled at me or called me out on stupidity. I am here for her; I am doing this for my mom.