Monday, June 30, 2014

Paint Me as a Villain/Problem with Authority

If I saw every manager and supervisor I've ever encountered,  I’d burn them alive by mixing battery acid into their gin and tonic, I've got a problem with authority. I have a problem with authority and not all authority but more work related. I have a problem with getting treated like I don’t fucking matter, that I’m below everyone, and I’m sure a lot of people feel like this but I can’t speak for them. I have a problem with authority in the sense that if I made a mistake that I know I made, don’t rub it in my face. Let’s be mature about this shit and move on. Don’t keep going and then be fucking surprised when my tone of voice becomes stern and serious because you decided you wanted to keep repeating whatever lame ass thing you were saying about the said mistake made. And I understand that my tone may come out stronger than anticipated so I will apologize, even though I don’t feel like I was in the wrong because I mean who the fuck likes getting picked on and talked down to? Don’t be a dickhead about my apology either. If I’m man enough to apologize, don’t accept it yet continue to spout off some nonsense that you think will “make me feel bad.” When in reality, I could give two fucks about what you think or what you have to say. They say never bite the hand that feeds you and I totally agree yet don’t be surprised when you mistreat what you’re feeding and then it suddenly bites off your leg from the knees. Weird rant I know but this damn job has officially gotten to me. 4 more weeks and I’m done. 

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