Monday, September 19, 2011

The Longest Text Message

So question, have you ever been so caught up in the moment that you accidentally say the worst possible thing to say and then you piss off the girl of your dreams? Well I did that a lot, we always had talks about our future and what would happen after I left for college. And right when I had her blushing and dreaming of what could be, my ass just comes out of nowhere with a stupid comment and bang, ruins the whole conversation. Now ladies and gentleman, I am not perfect, hell nobody is, but come on. Everyone knows that you don't open your mouth when the mood is right where you want it to be. So skipping ahead to February 7th. I get a call at around 2: 17 a.m., telling me to pack my bags because I'm headed to Nicaragua. So I'm packed up and pretty scared and confused, when I decide to text her about whats happening. She immediately calls me and we talk for a couple of minutes. I tell her I love her, that no matter what happens that I'm thankful she's in my life.
  After a couple of days in Nicaragua, I'm able to text her with the news that my dad has gone to a better place. She replied with ," Oh Richard." It's weird isn't it, I'm sometimes able to sense the emotions behind a text and I can't help but feel that she was crying for me during all this. So I tell her, "Yea sunshine, and I know he would've loved to meet you." Which is true, I remember showing my dad her picture one day and he told me that she was gorgeous and that I should treat her well. When I get to school, a couple of days later, I see her waiting for me outside of one of her classes, we talked for a little bit and then she went into the classroom. Now to this day, this would have to be on my top 5 list of things I regret the most. Instead of just talking to her, I should've hugged her and never let her go. I should've told her how much I needed her, how much I loved her, and how without her, I don't know how I would be able to survive whatever happens to me. But it's a funny thing, just like in an argument, you don't think of the perfect thing to say until about a day or so later. In Part: 3 or the Finale of my Regretful Trilogy, we will find out. How I lost her, How I betrayed her, and How now, I can't stop thinking about her...

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