Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Try Again

By the end of this semester, I felt like a giant disappointment. To myself, to my parents, to everybody. I felt that I fucked up big time. The stress had officially gotten to me. Yet once the semester officially came to an end and I walked away from my last exam and I began to get my grades and I saw that only one was really shitty; I realized that there was no need to beat myself up. We can’t change shit that’s already happened we can only hope that we learn from it and push through. So here’s to next year, senior year, where I’m sure I’m going to kill it…

Monday, March 2, 2015

20 Shots of that Honesty

Why is it that if I choose not to drink, I automatically get deemed “a bitch” or “a pussy?” What part of my not drinking straight liquor but just drinking beer is going to fuck up your drinking? Are you not going to have fun because a few people or better yet one person isn’t drinking? If not drinking makes me “a bitch,” what am I if I actually drink? Now don’t get me wrong on occasion I will indulge and get nice and fucked up but that’s on occasion not every weekend. Especially when it’s hard drinking multiple days in a row that just means you’re a fucking alcoholic. Don’t fucking give me shit for hours just because I have self control and am not trying to get completely obliterated. Get the fuck out of my face with that shit…

Saturday, February 7, 2015

That Time Again

As the words blur together,
Visions of death taking over my mentality once again.
Dirt filled graves
Rose covered caskets
Rain and tears pour down on each tombstone due to things that we can’t imagine.
What happened?
How could you leave us?
Angry questions asked for no actual reason.
As the years pass by and the images become fainter,                                                                        

I just really hope that all is well on your end… 

6th Year

“Perhaps they are not stars…”6 years have passed by, almost too fast. Each filled with a lot of good and a bit of bad. One thing that will never change however is the love and gratitude that I have for you. Thank you for the endless lessons that you taught me, thank you for all of the adventures, and thank you for the laughs. And even though it’s hard not to get sad during this time just know that I am trying my best to make you proud. “Perhaps they are not stars…” but thank you for shining like one. I love you Pop… (June 6, 1967 – Feb  7, 2009)