Monday, November 24, 2014

These Things Don't Prove Potential

If school doesn't stress you out, then you are not doing it right. Exams on top of exams, papers on top of papers, bullshit assignments piled on all for just a simple piece of paper. We should not be stressing this hard over this shit. Grades do not prove a person’s worth. Just because I failed a quiz or a test, just because my GPA isn't to a certain liking does not make me any less of a human being. We are all valuable in our own ways. Just because I didn't dress up for a job fair or a job interview does not mean that I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. If you judge me based on my appearance and not what I can bring to the table, that just makes you a shitty person. Just some food for thought I guess...

The Eye in the Sky

Pale white skin, battle wounds and beauty marks surround your angelic frame, such a shame.
No one understands you yet everyone has fallen in love with you.
Those around you are of an enlightened stature, they bask in the glow of your preciousness just as you bask in theirs.
A sigh of relief and warmth escapes any being that dares look at you. Majestic, Methodic, Orgasmicaly Hypnotic.
Your mere presence illuminates my soul.