Monday, September 22, 2014

Near Death

If I wouldn't have moved out of the way, I wouldn't be here right now. And it wasn't even like we were in the dark and everything, we had flashlights; the other cars moved out of the way just fine but that damn truck. I almost fucking died last night. I almost got hit by a fucking truck, if I wouldn't have followed my friend, I would've definitely been hit, head on. Hell if I would've been an inch out, I would've been side-swiped. And as if I didn't already hate Ford enough, it just so happened to be an F-150 that almost ran me down. Near death experiences are fucking terrifying… 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Raise My Body from the Ground

An ordinary day, a clouded mind, multiple thoughts cascading down my mental ladder. Tired of work, tired of reading, tired of multiple assignments at once. Words fill the page; the ink in the pen is running low as words keep filling the page. Characters and settings to memorize, poetry to analyze, consistent homework for three days now. Three days. I’m not tired physically; my psyche is the one with the fucking problem. I’m drained emotionally and I don’t know why. Call it being homesick, call it lack of human contact in the sense that I tend to go straight from my room to class then back to my room and shut myself away usually to do homework, or you can call it just one of those damn days. I’m just tired and sure I could partake in shit that’ll help me but those things would just change the topic only for me to come rushing back to everything all over again. An ordinary day, a clouded mind. A clouded day, an ordinary mind… 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Just Another Day

For the first time ever, I’m away from the family on my birthday. And it feels weird. Not only weird because it’s on a Monday, not only because I’m not really going to be able to celebrate it, and not even because I didn't really celebrate it this weekend, all I did the entire time was homework. It feels weird because I don’t feel like it’s my birthday; it feels like just another day to me. Nothing special is happening, no cake, no presents, at least perhaps not until next weekend when Mother Dear comes to visit but for the meantime it’s just another start of the week, another day of class and homework, another day of life passing by. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Like Fine China

I know nothing about her except for her first name. I don’t know what she likes or what she hates; I don’t know anything about her life or her faith. I know nothing of her past or her present but if I get enough courage to actually say something, I could be a part of her future. I know nothing about her except for what she looks like. Beautiful eyes and a damn adorable smile. She likes to travel or so I believe. She exceeds in passion or so I imagine. What’s her creativity like? Will we be able to compare mine to hers and see if they’re in sync? I know nothing about her except for the sound of her voice. Soft and orchestral, her laugh contagious like the flu and I wouldn’t mind catching said sickness. I’ve only exchanged few words with her but I’ll be damned if I didn’t think about her afterwards. I know nothing about her except for the fact that she hasn’t stopped running laps in my mind for almost a full day, I don’t see her stopping for a break anytime soon and I’ve never been more ok with that. I welcome it actually…