Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Increasing Your Heart Rate

        Her hand clutched the back of my head as I was in between her legs giving the downstairs neighbor a wicked tongue lashing. The actions that transpired that night are blurry due to possibly the few beers, the excitement, or the fact that all the blood from my head headed south. It wasn’t just kissing and touching nor was it the penetrating and sweating. It was more than that, it was the conversation we had prior, the kisses to her forehead, the listening to music that made us feel something in that moment. It was the way our eyes kept meeting in between sentences and we couldn’t help but smile, it was the clothes she was wearing then not wearing. It was her laughter, the stupid jokes, the look on her face while she was on top of me and I thrust myself further inside of her. Hitting the exact target, the spot that made her clutch my shoulders and dig her nails into my chubby limb. It wasn’t just about her eyes or her hair or her ass. It wasn’t about the sex, it was about her and me just being fucking together and being just one solid unit. It was about leaving all of the bullshit behind, forgetting about the outside world for a split second and just concentrating on the synchronized movement of our bodies as we came closer and closer to that one last powerful moan, the final thrust, the grabbing her gently and laying her down on her back and kissing her the whole way down. See it was more than just sex; it was the passion and romance. It was about sealing whatever our relationship was even if it was only a temporary contract. It was about love... 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I Apologize for my Gender

Dear Ladies,
I apologize for my gender for treating you like pieces of meat. For treating the ones who are deemed “sexy” like something they think they can just put their dick in and those that are deemed “ugly” like trash. I apologize for them treating you like property and not like a human being. I’m sorry for all the bullshit cat calling and misogyny and for thinking that you all are nothing but items on a menu at Popeye’s.

I apologize for the abuse: sexual, physical, and mental. I apologize for those dirtbags who have taken advantage of you and the system fucks up every time and answered the deed with “boys will be boys.” No woman should have to go through that, I truly am sorry. What I’ve realized over the past couple of months that news has hit where men take drastic, mostly deadly measures against those women who “rejected” them is that the male group of humanity is fucking crazy. Now I’ll admit I have my temper when it comes to certain things and yes back in high school, I was one of those guys that chose body over brain any day and I would get rejected constantly but I wouldn’t hate the girls who did it, I would continue to be a good friend and step off with my advances.  As I matured, I realized that I admired the hell out of the female mind, it’s fascinating up there. Comedian Donald Glover once said in a stand up, “you know why you never hear a crazy boyfriend story? Because if you have a crazy boyfriend, you’re gonna die.” I mean everyone gets rejected, it’s fucking life. That’s no reason to go ape shit and kill people. The streets shouldn’t be covered in blood because a couple of assholes can't handle a tiny rejection. I’m sorry for all the bullshit that you have to deal with from men. I’m sorry they place you below them, when if we as a gender think about it, we all came from women. Without our mothers, grandmothers, etc we wouldn’t be jack shit. So why would we as men, treat the opposite sex badly or treat anyone badly for that matter? What the hell do we have to gain from it? We should be praising women for all they do. However this is just my opinion, I was always brought up to respect women…