Friday, May 17, 2013

Gold Mines in these Lines

            Numb, not of pain or pleasure but from the bullshit that goes through everyday life. Numb from a society that preys on the innocent and provides for the guilty. Sad for the lost lives due to violence, both verbal and physical. Distraught by the lack of help to those thinking in suicidal ways, which ultimately result in a permanent solution. Anger towards those that ridicule over gender, race, and/or ethnicity. Confusion over those who decide to do wrong towards their better halves. Intrigued by those that decide to stay with the one doing the wrong. Encouraged by the lack of faith provided by a misguiding teacher. Encouraged by the love and support given to me by a group of strange individuals with similar characteristics, my family. Impatient towards my future, mainly because I want to know if I make it or not. Optimistic when it comes to Love but my heart has been bruised quite a lot. Interested in the peace and tranquility that certain music provides for us. Amazed by the true beauty that this world has to offer. Bewildered by the lack of faith that we as human beings share. Fear for those children born in a wrong home which ends with a rough childhood full of scratches and purple skin. Agony for those owners of man’s best friend who treat said best friend like dirt.
            If I had it my way, the world would be peaceful yet I’ve come to realize that peace could never be an option, at least not for the entire world. It will forever be filled with nonsense violence and stupid hatred. Innocent people will remain to be in danger all because a coward or group of cowards decide, why say something when I can physically show you, by bringing bloodshed. Bullies will always remain for some damn reason. While in high school, bullying was never a problem for me, my school didn’t even know of the word. Even though it was only 4 years ago, the youth of today has drastically changed. Now kids are no longer friends with everybody, each person sticks to their respective group. Feeding off of the innocent of others who haven’t done a fucking thing to them. Women are still being treated like shit by some fucking guy when if memory serves me correctly, he came from a woman. I guess that’s why I’m so numb because of all of this ignorance and useless negativity being thrown around. I’m numb because Life shouldn’t be so hard, sure struggles are a part of life but you’re also supposed to be able to enjoy it and cherish it. With so much anger and misunderstanding, that seems like an impossible task for the majority of humanity. It’s just nonsense, think about it…