Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I'm A Hostage In My Own World

           College students, present and past, have always questioned their choice in majors. Some of them decide that the current major does not suite who they are so they decide to change it. Now sometimes, this goes very smoothly with rarely any problems. Other times however, a change in major, fucks up all of the progress that you had going on, causing you to start from scratch which ultimately causes you to fully realize the mistake you made. Now, I originally had planned to become a Graphic Designer. As an avid video gamer, I always wanted to work for a company as a designer just to one day create my own game. But during the course of one class, that completely changed my entire outlook on the whole Graphic Design field. Now, don't get me wrong, I love art and every use of the word. Everybody is an artist. For instance, my father had his very own Landscaping company. His art was to make old shitty looking houses into insanely beautiful masterpieces. I would know, because I helped him with my house and my aunts house. Now, some Art buffs may be mad at me for this but I could care less. The class that ultimately led to me changing from Graphic Design to English, was Art History. Now, perhaps it was the fact that the class was during  a summer semester which meant that it was shorter but at a much faster pace. Or it could have been the fact that my professor was a Bitch and basically turned our exams into a giant cluster-fucked rubix cube. Whatever the case, I just remember walking into the classroom and thinking I'm a modern artist, why the hell do I need to know about some old ass clay statue that was made in 600 B.C.
             Now don't get me wrong, when I switched my major I did the right amount of research to make sure that I wouldn't have to start completely over. I was right but only to a certain degree. What I wasn't told and perhaps certain college students can agree with me is that the academic advisers would fuck up more times than a hooker on the ceiling (get it, cause you Fuck a hooker and she's Up on the ceiling...) Anyways, due to the advisers screwing with me so many times, it became certain that I would remain at this horrible excuse for a community college for the rest of my life. Now that I end what's felt like 20 semesters at this damn place, I am pleased to say that I am not that far away from my ultimate goal of graduating and getting the hell out of there. The ultimate pain and sorrow of knowing that I wasted money and a very great amount of time will probably remain with me for many years to come. So I guess the greatest piece of advice I can give to any college students thinking about switching majors and/or any students who are about to go into their first semester of college is, be smart with your choice. Make sure that is the academic path you want to pursue. Also, make sure that what you choose makes you happy, because there is no point in trying to accomplish the major that get's paid the most if your going to be miserable for the rest of your life. And finally, don't fight the system. Sure you can switch your major more than one time, but in the end the only one who will look like a fool is you...