Monday, July 11, 2011

DVR My Thoughts, Make Your TiVo Grow

Winston Churchill wrote, " They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they'd make up their minds." Why do we as human beings tend to strive for perfection? Why do we always aim to be the best of the best at whatever it is we're doing? We look for perfection everywhere, in our jobs, in our homes, in our relationships. Perfection is unrealistic, it doesn't exist. The reason being is because nothing can ever truly be perfect no matter how hard you want it to be. You can always say that something is flawless and free of fault but in reality, the shit is as twisted and double sided as a DNA double helix. So does that mean that we should lower our expectations from a perfect 100% to a mere 99%? In all reality, yes. The fact is nothing will ever be perfect. You may be the ideal husband/wife and you could have the greatest spouse and the greatest kids. You could live in the greatest house in the greatest town but out of all that greatness there will be one flaw that will somehow be the main point in the life that you've made for yourself. So you should ask yourself, would I rather live in a world with flaws, with faults, that's not completely perfect? Or would I rather live in a perfect, happy go lucky world all by myself? While you decide that, I'll be over here on the imperfect world, making my future the way I want to. It may be imperfect, but at least I'll know that I was the one who made it...