Monday, January 17, 2011

MMXI: The Start of Starting Fresh

As I closed down 2010, I remembered all of the bad that happened to me. Relationship problems, Physical problems, Emotional problems, the list goes on. I put those memories to rest by setting them on fire! Now in the era of '11, new beginnings means a fresh new start to everything. It's only been 17 days since the year started and yet it feels a month or 2 in, but with these 17 days incredible things have happened. School is going to kick my ass but all of my professors are amazing, there are girls by the barrel full so I just have to get my monkey's together. I no longer hate everything and everybody, I mean I do hate certain situations and I do dislike how certain people treat other people but what are you going to do about it? Life goes on, no matter what happened to you yesterday, you always have to live for today because you don't even know if tomorrow is going to come. So as I start off this blog year, I want to say, cherish everything you have and/or had because in one single blink of the eye it could vanish. Worry not about what others are doing, only worry about you and those that you love.  Do not worry about making simple mistakes for you will learn from them and hell even sometimes your mistakes were worth it because it ended up being the right choice in the end. And finally, make sure to write down every bad experience you have had during the year, in the end you light it on fire and that shit feels good! Happy New Year, let's make 2011 count...