Thursday, January 7, 2016

Long Live The King

The King sends the Knights to collect our debts.
Better have that check before you
Lose your breath.
King cheats on his wife
For a bigger pair of breasts.
Queen takes up drugs and pays for sex.
The Bishop holds her hands
As she prays and reflects.
Rooks too young to understand why mommy’s upset.
Meanwhile we're all just here trying to earn some respect.
We're all just Pawns

In a game of chess.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

When We Were Young

We couldn’t wait to make our own decisions and not care about what people had to say. We couldn’t wait to be like the grownups, drinking their grownup juice and talking about grownup things. We couldn’t wait to be stressed out beyond belief. We couldn’t wait to be in debt due to student loans. We couldn’t wait to struggle on a monthly basis to pay the bills. We couldn’t wait to work a 9-5 for minimum wage. We couldn’t wait to even get a goddamn interview for a minimum wage job just to get money to pay bills. When we were young, we couldn’t wait to be adults, for the life of me I can’t remember why…

A Virus, I Am

I’m a virus
I am the man of the people
The dream you love to hate
The definition of evil.
A fornicator of knowledge,
I hope the world can deep throat.
As each drop of acid falls out of my
Flaccid pen.
Allow my mind to guide you toward
The 7 stages of sin.
Let me open your thoughts,
Warp your opinion with a twist.
Don’t think of me as a criminal,

Just accept this wondrous bliss as a gift…

I See Fire

Long live the dragon burrowed
Inside of my soul that lets my bones become engulfed in flames.
Locked up using restraints
And chains.
Waiting to be released
So it can soar in the sky like a fresh
Falling leaf from a tree. 
My cave like heart covered in human remains,
Memories that were erased,

Making them stains on a page…

Hello Old Friend

It’s been a while.
Those days of helplessness seem like mere dreams.
Do you miss them?
Do you miss me?
Remember the art we created together?
Words so morbid and gruesome,
Just thinking about it, is getting me all tingly
Do you miss the way I would make your mind wander?
The way chaos and destruction ran through your veins.
My dear boy, how I ache wanting to be with you again.
Wanting to share moments of mortality and pain.
Ah, those were the days.
I hope you write back, for I get so lonely here.
I’ll always be around whenever you need me.

The Darkness… 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Try Again

By the end of this semester, I felt like a giant disappointment. To myself, to my parents, to everybody. I felt that I fucked up big time. The stress had officially gotten to me. Yet once the semester officially came to an end and I walked away from my last exam and I began to get my grades and I saw that only one was really shitty; I realized that there was no need to beat myself up. We can’t change shit that’s already happened we can only hope that we learn from it and push through. So here’s to next year, senior year, where I’m sure I’m going to kill it…

Monday, March 2, 2015

20 Shots of that Honesty

Why is it that if I choose not to drink, I automatically get deemed “a bitch” or “a pussy?” What part of my not drinking straight liquor but just drinking beer is going to fuck up your drinking? Are you not going to have fun because a few people or better yet one person isn’t drinking? If not drinking makes me “a bitch,” what am I if I actually drink? Now don’t get me wrong on occasion I will indulge and get nice and fucked up but that’s on occasion not every weekend. Especially when it’s hard drinking multiple days in a row that just means you’re a fucking alcoholic. Don’t fucking give me shit for hours just because I have self control and am not trying to get completely obliterated. Get the fuck out of my face with that shit…